Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Week 4 - DustEchoes and Microsoft Excel

Week 4 DustEchoes

DustEchoes: Retelling a story using images and text


In this week's workshop, we are looking at Aboriginal stories online. They are in the form of cartoons, to easily engage younger students. In addition, this helps to minimize the effects of violence in the stories. The following is a simple procedure of today's workshop activity.

Select a story from the website

Download study guides (for teachers)

Choose an activity for students

Literacy: Retell the story by using snapshots and text using Inspiration (previous ICT lesson). By using the "Print Screen' function, students can copy snapshots of the story, crop the desired images (using Paint) and paste it into Inspiration.
This activity covers English/Literacy and computer skills.

*Teachers should screen material first, as some stories may contain inappropriate images for younger students!

Have a look at the example above!

Microsoft Excel - Maths

The second part of today's workshop focuses on a Maths' activity. The best part about it is the materials used - M&Ms! Before any food or fragrances are used for any purpose in the classroom, make sure that students are clear of any allergies - this could cause many issues!

We all know that M&Ms come in different colours and a great simple Maths activity is for the students to work with collecting data (colour) and graphing. A common program that can be found on most computers is Microsoft Excel - it offers a range of table formats and graphs for different purposes. The following image are some sample graphs from Microsoft Excel.

Another suggestion is to allow the students to explore legitimate homepages of companies, such as M&Ms'. Due to their children-friendly nature, their homepage caters to the younger population with games and interesting facts about their products. Often, students can learn some interesting new facts - nutritional information, colour charts, how their products are made, history of their products, etc. In addition, awesome pictures can be found for their own resources as well.

One thing to keep in mind when using any type of computer programs is that students may need a review of the basic knowledge and skills - such as highlighting, multiple selection, saving their work, etc. Ensure that students are familiar with those essential basics; therefore, their activities will seem less tedious and more fun!

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Week 3 - Design briefs & Online games

Week 3 - Design briefs

In today's workshop, we are exploring Design Briefs. The updated set is Investigate/Design, Produce, Analyse/Evaluate. Despite the common belief, ICT is not always about using computers. Technology design process, for example, is used in our schools everyday; however, it may not be reflected as such.

Jumping Frog Activity:

In today's workshop, we have been instructed to, in partners, design and create our own version of a jumping frog, using a given set of materials. We are given a piece of paper with a frog on it, a piece of cardboard, a rubber band, sticky tape and scissors. All materials must be used for our final product. No other instructions are given -> to promote creativity and freestyle thinking! My partner and I decided to implement a "spring-like" mechanism to allow the frog to jump. The following are some pictures of our final product.

YES! Our final product works without a hitch! The only issue is that we could not find a better way of incorporating the rubber band to make it more aesthetically pleasing. Regardless, our process (from designing to evaluating) was a great experience and incorporating that in the classroom will be a fun experience for all!

An important aspect of any design/experiment/competition nature, is that failure is HEALTHY! 'Perspective' is very important and teaching students to learn how to see things from different perspectives could make a positive difference in their future.

Another important aspect for this project is the sharing part. Similar to students sharing their writing pieces, the gathering and sharing of different ideas promote healthy learning - learning together, from one another. The act of sharing ideas (whether they are successful or not) promotes cohesion and explores the notion that everyone is different; from how they think to how they learn.

Online Games

With the help of technology and the worldwide web, games in the classroom are no longer limited to what is available in the classrooms. There are countless fun and educational games that are accessible for every student, at every level. In this week's workshop, we are introduced to an online quiz website, where we are able to create and share our own quizzes.

This is a great resource for students to create their own quizzes (applying their own knowledge) and challenge themselves with others' quizzes. This fun and interactive process not only caters to students of every level, but is especially effective for those who prefer to learn independently.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Week 2 - Microsoft Publisher

Week 2 - Using Microsoft Publisher

I remember when I was in Primary school, to make any type of brochure or poster, it was all done by hand. Nowadays, it can be done using programs such as Microsoft Publisher. Not only does it save time and concrete resources (like paper - a huge environmental issue!), but the different features offered by this program are fantastic. Microsoft Publisher offers a variety of selection for users to choose from: flyers, greeting cards, brochures, newsletters, etc. Students can explore different formats and designs to suit their needs. Another key element is that most computers have access to many Microsoft products and often, this program is included in the list. The following images are samples of my brochure for The Big Bang Theory (one of my favourite television shows).

In the classroom:

When a student decides on the topic of his own brochure, for example, s/he may use a week's time to complete the project. There are many aspects that can be explored with this project - design, size, fonts, quality of pictures, picture selection, purpose of a brochure, marketing, advertising, etc. Depending on the age and topic, this could be very engaging for the students!

A great tool for creating an E-Portfolio:

Microsoft Publisher is another handy software for our e-portfolios. As pre-service teachers, we are constantly learning new theories and teaching skills; a common issue is to present our knowledge and experience in an acceptable yet exceptional manner. Microsoft Publisher offers a wide range of layouts for us to choose from. I highly recommend the use of this program in and out of classrooms, as both the students and teachers can truly benefit from it.