I remember when I was in Primary school, to make any type of brochure or poster, it was all done by hand. Nowadays, it can be done using programs such as Microsoft Publisher. Not only does it save time and concrete resources (like paper - a huge environmental issue!), but the different features offered by this program are fantastic. Microsoft Publisher offers a variety of selection for users to choose from: flyers, greeting cards, brochures, newsletters, etc. Students can explore different formats and designs to suit their needs. Another key element is that most computers have access to many Microsoft products and often, this program is included in the list. The following images are samples of my brochure for The Big Bang Theory (one of my favourite television shows).
In the classroom:
When a student decides on the topic of his own brochure, for example, s/he may use a week's time to complete the project. There are many aspects that can be explored with this project - design, size, fonts, quality of pictures, picture selection, purpose of a brochure, marketing, advertising, etc. Depending on the age and topic, this could be very engaging for the students!
A great tool for creating an E-Portfolio:
When a student decides on the topic of his own brochure, for example, s/he may use a week's time to complete the project. There are many aspects that can be explored with this project - design, size, fonts, quality of pictures, picture selection, purpose of a brochure, marketing, advertising, etc. Depending on the age and topic, this could be very engaging for the students!
A great tool for creating an E-Portfolio:
Microsoft Publisher is another handy software for our e-portfolios. As pre-service teachers, we are constantly learning new theories and teaching skills; a common issue is to present our knowledge and experience in an acceptable yet exceptional manner. Microsoft Publisher offers a wide range of layouts for us to choose from. I highly recommend the use of this program in and out of classrooms, as both the students and teachers can truly benefit from it.